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Formosa Photography Blog

Here you will find ideas and inspiration around different photography styles i have explored, links to interesting sites on photography techniques and general Photography info

Night Photography


This was a very difficult scene to photograph, it required a long exposure time to bring out the detail of the apartments as well as the colour of the water.  At first it was taken on Manual settings with a 6 second exposure and F3.2 at ISO 100, the image was very bright and details were washed out, you could only really see the Melbourne Star.

To rectify this problem i used the Shutter Priority setting on my camera, kept the exposure time at 6 seconds, but instead used exposure componsation to allow me to darken the image while retaining the detail, on the camera i'm using i could not get exposure compensation to work on the manual setting


Black  Background


A surprisingly simple technique, i discovered this by accident one day when i had forgotton to change the settings on my camera.  Thats strange i thought, i took this photo indoors against a window during the day, i was expecting to see the reflection of the flash in the window, instead, because of the short depth of field and high F stop the camera only picked up what was in the immediate forground and darkened out the back ground

A great example of this technique can be found on the below website, Glyn goes into great detail about this can be acheived with your SLR


35mm Photography


A format i quickly fell in love with, 35mm photography brings the subject right into the camera and imerses the viewer in the image, although it can be used for landscapes and creative lighting effects, i have found its best used for portraiture where you don't want everything to be in crystal focus, the image to the left shows how you can play with light with this lens and get great lens flare and colour from the light

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